
Exceleron India / White Paper  / Smart Prepaid Utilities in the United States: Forecasts and Analysis

Smart Prepaid Utilities in the United States: Forecasts and Analysis

This report explores the smart meter based prepaid electric service in the United States and provides insight into the growing opportunity for utilities as they launch prepaid pilots.

Key Take-Aways

  • Quindi Research estimates that prepay AMI meters will increase from 660,000 at the end of 2017 to between 2.62 and 2.86 million AMI prepay meters in 2021.
  • Prepay programs benefit consumers and utilities. Key consumer benefits include: better control over their energy usage, reduced consumption, bill savings, and increased consumer satisfaction.
  • Key Utility benefits include: improvements in collection and debt levels, operational efficiency, and front-line staff morale.
  • Many investor-owned utilities (IOUs) must overcome regulatory challenges before successfully launching prepay programs; however, regulators are increasingly open to prepay programs based on data gathered regarding consumer benefits.

Study Design:

Quindi Research provides custom research and analyst services for organizations throughout the utilities and wireless communications sectors. Founded in 2012, Quindi Research is based in Cambridge, UK.

Prepaid Energy Hub from Quindi ResearchIn 2015, Quindi Research launched Prepaid Energy Hub, a free-to-use online resource for all those interested in the growing phenomenon of pay-as-you-go utility services. The website provides in-depth coverage of global trends and developments in energy prepayment during the transition to smart metering, including feature-length analysis of industry hot topics, articles on company and product news, and case studies of utility prepayment programs.


Source: Quindi Research, Smart Prepaid Utilities in the United States: Forecasts & Analysis