
Exceleron India / White Paper  / Prepay Energy at an Inflection Point

Prepay Energy at an Inflection Point

Prepay energy is quickly approaching an inflection point of rapid implementation and adoption in the United States. The percentage of Americans interested in a voluntary prepaid energy option increased by 3% from 2012 to 2013.

Key Take-Aways

  • Interest in a voluntary prepaid option was highest among those 18 to 54 year olds and renters.
  • 24% of respondents were extremely or very interested in a voluntary prepaid electric utility/service provider option.
  • Respondents indicated that “ability to make payments online” is the most important feature of a prepay option.

Study Design:

EcoAlign, a strategic marketing agency focused on energy and environment, and DEFG, a management consulting firm specializing in energy, partnered in November 2013 to conduct 1,001 online interviews based on the Russell Research Omnibus Methodology. The project team worked with the members of the Prepay Energy Working Group to finalize the survey instrument.


Source: DEFG Prepay Energy Working Group and EcoAlign