
Exceleron India / White Paper  / Anticipating the Communication Costs Associated with Prepay Utility Services

Anticipating the Communication Costs Associated with Prepay Utility Services

This white paper provides data and analysis regarding the relative popularity of different types of communication channels for prepaid account information and their associated impacts and costs. With this information, service providers should be able to better anticipate communication costs and formulate a strategy as part of a broader prepaid service business case analysis.


Effective prepay programs allow customers to access information about their account and their
consumption history at any time through inbound customer services and online platforms. At the same
time, prepay programs must be able to generate automatic alerts and notifications to inform
customers of their remaining balance, pending disconnects, actual disconnects, account credits for
payment received, and reconnections. This white paper explores the many communication channels available through MyUsage Prepay.


Source: DEFG & Exceleron Software